Give Customers the Tools to Show Their Love—and Increase Your Biocompare Product Directory Engagement

 Give Customers the Tools to Show Their Love—and Increase Your Biocompare Product Directory Engagement

How do consumers decide whether a product they’re considering will be any good? Will it perform or provide the results they expect and is it really a value? They’ll “ask” around by checking product reviews from customers who assign a star rating and provide comments about what they like and what disappoints them. In our digital world, online product reviews are how your potential buyers do their homework. Sure, they can learn about a product on your company’s website or from a salesperson, but we know the opinion of other customers can inform a buying decision.

Do you have a system in place for requesting, tracking and posting customer reviews? Are you monitoring what customers say about your product? Do you have tools in place to allow customers to easily create a review that will benefit your business?

Biocompare’s Product Reviews are written by scientists who generously share.

Biocompare’s Partner Review Program offers includes plug-and-play resources to help your company’s products generate Biocompare product reviews, which, in turn will increase your product’s engagement on

BC Product Review Infographic

The Ask: Invite Customers to Review Your Product

While many customers seek out review sites and other means of providing feedback on the products they purchase, just as many consumers are not engaged in online reviews. But if you ask and offer a simple form for them to quickly give their opinion, you can collect more customer reviews.

Why do you want more customer reviews? Basically, those reviews are a ticket to driving leads.

Tailored email templates allow you to send a review request to customers. The email gives you an opportunity to show appreciation and thank customers for their business, and acknowledge they are important to you, which is why you are inviting them to rate your product. You’re telling them: Your opinion matters.

Build Your Fan Base, Boost Brand Visibility

Your customers are influencers whose opinions can boost your brand. Especially in today’s social media environment, what customers say can define your reputation. Their “likes” inspire others to trust your brand and invest in your offering. According to Trustpilot research, 90% of online shoppers choose not to purchase from a company because of a bad reputation. Customers take action based on what they hear about a company from other consumers. In a survey of 1,700 online shoppers, Trustpilot found that online reputation is the No. 1 way to improve trust, and more than 93% of respondents said they read reviews before buying online from a company that they are unfamiliar with.

The bottom line: Soliciting customer reviews and leveraging positive feedback can build your brand reputation. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to elevate your brand by seeking reviews from satisfied customers and making it easy for them to offer feedback.

Keep It Simple—The Benefits of our Partner Review Program

Biocompare is launching a Partner Review Program, knowing that in-depth product reviews are one way to help educate end-users about product options during their buying journey. Reviews positively impact performance in the Biocompare Product Directory. Reviewed equipment gets an average of 3.9 times more leads and 2.2 times more clicks than equipment without reviews. Reviewed antibodies get an average of 6.8 times more leads and 3.2 times more clicks than those without reviews.

Biocompare's comprehensive Partner Review Program includes:

  • Assets to help you solicit reviews, including customizable email templates and postcards
  • An Excel file with URLs of reviews received on the Biocompare site so you can incorporate links on your website
  • A Biocompare Review Badge to boost brand trust

An up-and-coming awards program will recognize companies in the Biocompare Partner Review Program that have the most reviews in given product categories, giving them additional visibility.

Give Good Customers the Power to Speak Up

Identifying pleased customers and giving them an easy way to review your product builds their relationship with your brand while elevating your visibility, trust, SEO and potential to attract more revenue-generating business. With a reviews program, you can capitalize on what good customers say to increase leads, clicks and, most important, loyalty.

There is no cost to participate in our program. Click here to learn more about our program, or contact your Sales Executive. We look forward to hosting your product reviews on our site!