Case Studies

Targeting Specific Researcher Audiences with Biocompare Email Campaigns

AllCells recognized that to get in front of the academic scientific audience, Biocompare was the single best solution with marketing programs that offer flexibility and the ability to reach specific market segments.

“As far as how we came to use Biocompare, it was automatic,” says Afshin Shirazian, Marketing Manager for AllCells, which provides human and animal primary cell products. “We didn’t consider not listing our products with them.”

Since late 2011, AllCells has taken advantage of a number of marketing programs through Biocompare, including a product listing and email campaigns. AllCells niche products are “not for everyone,” Shirazian acknowledges. So the company chose to refine the recipients to increase the potential for gathering quality leads. “We enjoy being able to hand-select the target audience for those emails,” Shirazian says.

AllCells has been so pleased with Biocompare’s email offerings that it signed on for a new “drip” campaign it will test this year. This program includes multiple emails that are customized based on the recipients’ behaviors. For example, if someone clicks on a link in the email, the follow-up message will be targeted toward a prospect that progressing in the buying cycle vs. a recipient who opens the email but does not “dig in.”

“I like that the drip email campaign allows you to send multiple emails depending on how the recipients interact,” Shirazian says. “That provides lots of flexibility.”

Shirazian has confidence in Biocompare’s rich researcher database. “Leveraging that is one of the advantages of working with Biocompare,” he says. Plus, Biocompare has served as a marketing partner, with an attentive account manager who understands AllCells’ goals. “They’re keeping our interests in mind.”
